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 Post subject: Re: Travolta Buys a Connie
PostPosted: 07 Feb 2025, 08:46 

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Username Protected wrote:
How does owning and operating an 707 compare to a Constellation?

Are you asking about cost per hour or cost per mile?

All in yearly expenses. Used recreational purposes


 Post subject: Re: Travolta Buys a Connie
PostPosted: 07 Feb 2025, 09:23 

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Username Protected wrote:
Are you asking about cost per hour or cost per mile?

Suggest a metric of net worth per mile, nwpm.

So if you are worth $10M, and it costs $10 per mile, that 0.000001 nwpm, or one micro nwpm.

That way, somebody flying an ultralite might be spending more nwpm than I do flying my jet or Travolta flying a Connie. It is all relative.

Mike C.

Email mikec (at)


 Post subject: Re: Travolta Buys a Connie
PostPosted: 07 Feb 2025, 09:37 

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Username Protected wrote:
As the number of these irreplaceable relics diminishes, we should stop flying them. I'm still bummed about the last B17 crash.

I sort of agree with the sentiment, but it's not realistic. The only reason we have these to admire is because people with the money to restore them, want to fly them. If they couldn't fly, they wouldn't exist at all.
There's also beauty in the sounds they make.


 Post subject: Re: Travolta Buys a Connie
PostPosted: 07 Feb 2025, 12:40 


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Username Protected wrote:
The only reason we have these to admire is because people with the money to restore them, want to fly them.

Yes. They aren’t National Treasures for us to debate whether they should be flying or not.

A&P / IA


 Post subject: Re: Travolta Buys a Connie
PostPosted: 07 Feb 2025, 12:59 

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Username Protected wrote:
The only reason we have these to admire is because people with the money to restore them, want to fly them.

Yes. They aren’t National Treasures for us to debate whether they should be flying or not.

More to that point, if we consider them a national treasure we should buy one and put it in Udvar-Hazy.
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 Post subject: Re: Travolta Buys a Connie
PostPosted: 07 Feb 2025, 13:18 


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But do they fly the airplanes in Udvar-Hazy?

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 Post subject: Re: Travolta Buys a Connie
PostPosted: 07 Feb 2025, 16:12 

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No, that’s the point. They don’t fly the Wright Flyer in the A&S museum either. If it’s that important to preserve one of these then someone can collect one that’s not flyable and donate it. Any others can fly as long as their owners want… unless of course they’re in the restaurant business. ... b/id/1265/

Flannigan’s Connie did eventually make it into a museum: ... connie.htm

My last name rhymes with 'geese'.


 Post subject: Re: Travolta Buys a Connie
PostPosted: 07 Feb 2025, 17:38 


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David Ellison bought the Oracle Challenger from Sean Tucker and then donated it to the A&S museum. :thumbup: If they were to want to fly that one from what I understand about the aft CG configuration, they’d have to fly Tucker himself out from CA ea time. :rofl:

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 Post subject: Re: Travolta Buys a Connie
PostPosted: 07 Feb 2025, 17:44 

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Username Protected wrote:
How does owning and operating an 707 compare to a Constellation?

MTX hrs/Flt hrs are vastly different. Jets were far superior in that regard. Now maintenance and fuel costs were another story.

I think JT will be shocked at how much it costs to keep a Connie staying alive!. He may have to go back to work!


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 Post subject: Re: Travolta Buys a Connie
PostPosted: 07 Feb 2025, 17:56 

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Maybe he's telling us something with his latest title...

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 Post subject: Re: Travolta Buys a Connie
PostPosted: 07 Feb 2025, 21:43 

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Username Protected wrote:
Wait, the money is for something else other than aviation?

Well, it's also for women and booze, but you can only use so much of those... :tongue:


 Post subject: Re: Travolta Buys a Connie
PostPosted: 08 Feb 2025, 08:28 

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Username Protected wrote:
There's also beauty in the sounds they make.

Many years ago an older gentlemen worked out our local fly shop. He had been a B-24 Bombarder in WW-II flying out of Italy. There was a B-24 at Frederick MD (FDK) giving rides and we hangers on at the shop pooled some money and got him a ride. He said he had no interest but we took him out there and walked around it and talked to the crew and he said sure so off he went.

He came home almost in tears of the memories and he said the most powerful thing was the smells. You don't get that hot oil, sweat and fear smell from a static museum piece. Frankly, I was almost in tears listening to him.

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 Post subject: Re: Travolta Buys a Connie
PostPosted: 08 Feb 2025, 10:57 

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Username Protected wrote:
Suggest a metric of net worth per mile, nwpm.

So if you are worth $10M, and it costs $10 per mile, that 0.000001 nwpm, or one micro nwpm.

That way, somebody flying an ultralite might be spending more nwpm than I do flying my jet or Travolta flying a Connie. It is all relative.

Mike C.


Love it Mike,

Rationalization, Justification, Oh heck, I want it and now


Time to go fly my ultra low NWPM Citabria shortly

I wanna go phastR.....and slowR


 Post subject: Re: Travolta Buys a Connie
PostPosted: 09 Feb 2025, 10:52 


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Username Protected wrote:
Wait, the money is for something else other than aviation?

Well, it's also for women and booze, but you can only use so much of those... :tongue:

It is a delicate balance. Just ask Lamar Odum, he’s not in to airplanes. :lol:


 Post subject: Re: Travolta Buys a Connie
PostPosted: 11 Feb 2025, 18:03 

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Username Protected wrote:
As the number of these irreplaceable relics diminishes, we should stop flying them. I'm still bummed about the last B17 crash.

I sort of agree with the sentiment, but it's not realistic. The only reason we have these to admire is because people with the money to restore them, want to fly them. If they couldn't fly, they wouldn't exist at all.

In California, rich war bird owners, including the Chino group are responsible for the Property Tax Exemption for Aircraft of Historical Significance that thousands of others benefit from for their planes 35 years old or older.

Some of the deep pockets owners names are mentioned in this thread, and the Gov won't mess with them, and therefore us, fortunately.


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