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 Post subject: Re: FS: All instruments out of a 2000 A36 Bonanza
PostPosted: 10 Jan 2025, 22:04 


Joined: 09/18/15
Posts: 6
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Electromech Tach Generator PN 102-389015-5 available?


 Post subject: Re: FS: All instruments out of a 2000 A36 Bonanza
PostPosted: 11 Jan 2025, 23:23 


Joined: 05/02/23
Posts: 16
Aircraft: Bonanza A36
Sent you a PM about the KI256


 Post subject: Re: FS: All instruments out of a 2000 A36 Bonanza
PostPosted: 14 Jan 2025, 21:47 


Joined: 11/18/20
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Location: 4B8 Plainville, CT
Aircraft: 1984 -A36
Username Protected wrote:
I just installed a full garmin G500TXI system in my 2000 A36 and I have all the original gauges and instrumentation available for sale - including a KFC 225 with all the servos etc, PMA7000M-S audio panel, and a JPI EDM 700. PM me for photos and make me an offer on whatever items you need.

1. HSI GI-206A $1,200
2. ADI KI-256 (pair) $2,000 for the pair
3. Airspeed indicator $150
4. Encoding altimeter PN 066-03064-0005 $900
5. VSI (aerosonic PN RO-30-V-LE) $150
6. Beechcraft turn coordinator $400
7. PMA7000M-S $500
8. KFC225 w/ servos etc. head unit serviced and in use this year. - $5,000
9. Shadin Fuel flow transmitter #680600 (shadin part number).
10. Vacuum pump
11. Backup vacuum system
12. Garmin GI106A course deviation indicator $1,000
13. Bendix King KRG 331 Rate gyros
14. Original 2000 A36 engine gauges - CHT/EGT, oil temp/pressure, fuel flow, RPM, manifold pressure $100 apiece
15. Two main fuel gauges $100 each
16. JPI EDM700 + fuel airdata computer (shadin) etc. $500
17. Stand by vacuum pump electromech / welco EM917-5 and FAA-PMA dry air pump RAP216CW. $500



I could use the Turn Coordinator if you still have it.


 Post subject: Re: FS: All instruments out of a 2000 A36 Bonanza
PostPosted: 06 Feb 2025, 11:56 


Joined: 10/25/19
Posts: 32
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Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Aircraft: Beech Bonanza A36
still have the turn coordinator. sold the course deviation indicator and a handful of random parts, filters, etc.

1. HSI GI-206A $1,200
2. ADI KI-256 (pair) $2,000 for the pair
3. Airspeed indicator $150
4. Encoding altimeter PN 066-03064-0005 $900
5. VSI (aerosonic PN RO-30-V-LE) $150
6. Beechcraft turn coordinator $400
7. PMA7000M-S $500
8. KFC225 w/ servos etc. head unit serviced and in use this year. - $5,000
9. Shadin Fuel flow transmitter #680600 (shadin part number).
10. Vacuum pump
11. Backup vacuum system
12. SOLD Garmin GI106A course deviation indicator $1,000
13. Bendix King KRG 331 Rate gyros
14. Original 2000 A36 engine gauges - CHT/EGT, oil temp/pressure, fuel flow, RPM, manifold pressure $100 apiece
15. Two main fuel gauges $100 each
16. JPI EDM700 + fuel airdata computer (shadin) etc. $500
17. Stand by vacuum pump electromech / welco EM917-5 and FAA-PMA dry air pump RAP216CW. $500




 Post subject: Re: FS: All instruments out of a 2000 A36 Bonanza
PostPosted: 07 Mar 2025, 23:53 

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Joined: 02/14/11
Posts: 3548
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Company: Air Mass Aviation
Location: Seneca, SC (CEU)
Aircraft: 1979 Bonanza A36
Is the turn coordinator still available?

Remember, no matter where you go....there you are.

Scott Massios CFI/CFII


 Post subject: Re: FS: All instruments out of a 2000 A36 Bonanza
PostPosted: 09 Mar 2025, 21:10 


Joined: 11/25/24
Posts: 1
Aircraft: Bonanza k35
Interested in the JPI 700. Does it come with all sensors n such? Send me a email thank you.


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