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 Post subject: New Member and Vendor
PostPosted: 17 Jan 2025, 01:20 

BeechTalk Vendor


Joined: 01/09/25
Posts: 9
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Company: Hangar Hub
Location: Seattle WA
Aircraft: Kitfox Super Sport 7
Hey guys I just wanted to introduce myself briefly. Army veteran. Currently work in tech. I have been a pilot since I was 17 (lets just call that a long time ago) but only became an aircraft owner a couple years ago. The platform I chose was a Kitfox Super Sport 7 to get out into the back country.

But my two small children are quickly approaching the age where I want to pass along the joys of aviation as well as be able to bring the entire family on flying trips. That sure isn't going to happen in a Kitfox! From my first experience in Beechcraft flying the Dutchess and F33 at Embry Riddle I was hooked on Beech. If I'm to end up with one of my own I better start getting smart on them from an ownership perspective and be part of the community! So here I am.

Jesse Calder

P.S. You'll also see me eventually posting about a project/product I'm working on for aircraft owners to modernize the 'binder' that has been the standard. I'll be eager to get feedback and see if it provides the value to other owners it has to me. More on that later.

Founder of Hangar Hub - Digital Aircraft Binder for owners. Ask me about it!


 Post subject: Re: New Member and Vendor
PostPosted: 24 Jan 2025, 19:57 

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Welcome to BT Jesse,
You're in good company with a great deal of knowledge and talent present here. Good luck with your search.

James...aka Jimmy the Greek


 Post subject: Re: New Member and Vendor
PostPosted: 08 Feb 2025, 00:14 


Joined: 09/25/20
Posts: 17
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Location: Waukegan, Illinois (KUGN)
Aircraft: Bonanza F33A
Welcome Jesse! Beechcraft are great family haulers- glad to hear you're getting the next generation into aviation.
How about some pictures of your Kitfox?


 Post subject: Re: New Member and Vendor
PostPosted: 10 Mar 2025, 19:54 

BeechTalk Vendor


Joined: 01/09/25
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Company: Hangar Hub
Location: Seattle WA
Aircraft: Kitfox Super Sport 7
Username Protected wrote:
Welcome Jesse! Beechcraft are great family haulers- glad to hear you're getting the next generation into aviation.
How about some pictures of your Kitfox?

Thanks for the welcome Scott and great point! Here are a couple more recent pics (new upgrades are being added all the time so it always seems like its changing when I look at my pics).

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Founder of Hangar Hub - Digital Aircraft Binder for owners. Ask me about it!


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