Post subject: Re: C-FLYK Philippine Mars last flight 2 Pima Air & Space Mu
Posted: 10 Feb 2025, 21:28
Joined: 05/13/15 Posts: 161 Post Likes: +47 Location: Fontana, California
Aircraft: Cessna 182R
The Mars was in and out of ADS-B range most of the trip after it got past Palm Springs. It was escorted from that area by a PB4Y-2 Privateer (N2871G owned by GossHawk Unlimited) to Lake Pleasant, AZ. It looks like there is a large boat ramp that could be used to get it disassembled.
Post subject: Re: C-FLYK Philippine Mars last flight 2 Pima Air & Space Mu
Posted: 11 Feb 2025, 23:08
Joined: 10/06/17 Posts: 3091 Post Likes: +2608 Location: san diego
Aircraft: G35 / Acroduster
Was talking to the lineman at Banning airport and he was treated to very, very impressive fly-by when they came thru. My hat is off to the pilot and crew, they did this right. Not only did they complete the mission safely but they had a little fun and shared the love as they went about taking care of business.
It has 4 propulsion engines (4592 HP each!) and one "lift" engine (1364 HP), so it that 4 or 5 engines? I'd count it as four, since that is what you see.
This makes the Shinmaywa US2 have about double the power of the Martin Mars.
Shinmaywa US2 is about 120,000 lbs, Martin Mars is 90,000 lbs max weights, so the power to weight ratio is impressive for the Shinmaywa US2. The Martin Mars is almost double the wing span, but half the speed.
The short takeoff and landing distances of the Shinmaywa US2 are incredible, under 1000 ft is possible.
Mike C.
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Thanks. I’d forgotten about those magnificent beasts! I was thinking of Kermit Weeks’ Sunderland as a possibility, but I’m skeptical that we’ll see that one flying.
Post subject: Re: C-FLYK Philippine Mars last flight 2 Pima Air & Space Mu
Posted: 15 Feb 2025, 14:14
Joined: 01/06/08 Posts: 5075 Post Likes: +2926
Aircraft: B55 P2
My lab is at Alameda and just as we headed outside to walk to lunch, the Mars took off and flew right over our heads. Amazing to see. (sadly only had a cell phone so the pictures were useless)
Post subject: Re: C-FLYK Philippine Mars last flight 2 Pima Air & Space Mu
Posted: 24 Feb 2025, 14:49
Joined: 02/20/17 Posts: 1045 Post Likes: +339 Location: KVRB - Vero Beach, FL
Aircraft: A36
It's going to be so sad to watch the Philippine Mars get disassembled for transportation but the end result will be at least long term preservation at the museum.
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