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 Post subject: Re: Aerostars
PostPosted: 03 Jan 2025, 23:19 

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Username Protected wrote:
Curious on 700 (P or Machen) cruise numbers. At FL200 in my 601P I’m seeing 220 true at 32gph (ROP). This is a non intercooled 601P, also be curious to hear if anyone has intercooled numbers. Obviously the takeoff and climb performance is better with the bigger engines.

My 601P always beat the book intercooled numbers. It did have winglets. I have copious data in terms of inflight pics and video. I ran into and out of the wind to eliminate instrument error. I would see around 210 KTAS depending on OAT but never ran much more than 24” and 2200 rpm to keep around 65% power as directed by Aerostar aircraft and would plan 28 gph depending on how far/fast I’d want to go. The intercooled 601P is a sweetheart for my 300 hours at least.

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 Post subject: Re: Aerostars
PostPosted: 03 Jan 2025, 23:31 


Joined: 11/25/19
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Aircraft: Aerostar 601P, AS350
Username Protected wrote:
Curious on 700 (P or Machen) cruise numbers. At FL200 in my 601P I’m seeing 220 true at 32gph (ROP). This is a non intercooled 601P, also be curious to hear if anyone has intercooled numbers. Obviously the takeoff and climb performance is better with the bigger engines.

Here are numbers I’ve recorded from my intercooled 601P and my new 700 superstar 1. Just copied and pasted from the notes in my phone. Power setting on 601P are all 28” 2200rpm 39gph unless otherwise noted. Last (+-) number is isa that day. Doesn’t make sense kinda but whatever that’s all real recorded data. My 601P would really speed up as you got light on gas, 700 don’t care on the weight it just uses brute force to plow the air lol.

You can subtract probably 10kts on all those 601P speeds for initial level off speed, I always recorded the good number after the fuel burned off :D

Aerostar Speeds KTAS 601P
250 25000 -9
246 24000 +15
245 23000 +10
243 23000 +7
242 22000 +13
241 22000 +8
236 21000 +9
232 21000 +15
229 19000 +11
225 17000 +12
216 20000 +13 (65%)
215 13000 +5
201 11000 +7
190 4500 -12 (65%)
185 6000 -3 25/2200 (172.5 indicated) 31.2gph
235 22000 +3 26/2250 37.6gph 167 ind
220 21000 +4 25/2200 34gph 158.5 ind

Aerostar speeds 700

258 25000 -6 35 2200 48gph
251 24000 -15 35 2200 48gph


 Post subject: Re: Aerostars
PostPosted: 04 Jan 2025, 02:02 

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 WWW  Profile

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Location: Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA
Aircraft: Aerostar Superstar 2
Here are my Superstar II paper numbers, yet unverified:

Superstar II cruise settings_LQ.pdf

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 Post subject: Re: Aerostars
PostPosted: 04 Jan 2025, 14:07 


Joined: 12/25/16
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Username Protected wrote:
Curious on 700 (P or Machen) cruise numbers. At FL200 in my 601P I’m seeing 220 true at 32gph (ROP). This is a non intercooled 601P, also be curious to hear if anyone has intercooled numbers. Obviously the takeoff and climb performance is better with the bigger engines.

Here are numbers I’ve recorded from my intercooled 601P and my new 700 superstar 1. Just copied and pasted from the notes in my phone. Power setting on 601P are all 28” 2200rpm 39gph unless otherwise noted. Last (+-) number is isa that day. Doesn’t make sense kinda but whatever that’s all real recorded data. My 601P would really speed up as you got light on gas, 700 don’t care on the weight it just uses brute force to plow the air lol.

You can subtract probably 10kts on all those 601P speeds for initial level off speed, I always recorded the good number after the fuel burned off :D

Aerostar Speeds KTAS 601P
250 25000 -9
246 24000 +15
245 23000 +10
243 23000 +7
242 22000 +13
241 22000 +8
236 21000 +9
232 21000 +15
229 19000 +11
225 17000 +12
216 20000 +13 (65%)
215 13000 +5
201 11000 +7
190 4500 -12 (65%)
185 6000 -3 25/2200 (172.5 indicated) 31.2gph
235 22000 +3 26/2250 37.6gph 167 ind
220 21000 +4 25/2200 34gph 158.5 ind

Aerostar speeds 700

258 25000 -6 35 2200 48gph
251 24000 -15 35 2200 48gph

Trey, that’s really interesting. Have you tried a reduced power setting at all in the 700? I’d be curious what a few inches less gives you speed vs fuel burn.


 Post subject: Re: Aerostars
PostPosted: 04 Jan 2025, 14:11 


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Username Protected wrote:
Here are my Superstar II paper numbers, yet unverified:

Superstar II cruise settings_LQ.pdf

Wow, impressive numbers! I’d heard that about the Superstar II though. What’s your take so far on the heat issues everyone talks about?


 Post subject: Re: Aerostars
PostPosted: 04 Jan 2025, 14:46 

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 WWW  Profile

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Location: Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA
Aircraft: Aerostar Superstar 2
Username Protected wrote:

Wow, impressive numbers! I’d heard that about the Superstar II though. What’s your take so far on the heat issues everyone talks about?

Have barely flown her at all, so can't tell yet!

But my cowl flap doors are always open and the closing has been disabled (a high failure rate item those motors, apparently). Prob loses you 5kts at the top end, but keeps cooling at max always. I'm not too worried at the power settings I'll be running, but if you want to go really fast it might be an issue.

The thing I'll be worried about is the dual mag. That's a bad design (with a single point of failure), so will try to stay on top of the maintenance of those. I've heard they should be overhauled every 500hrs to stay healthy, so I'll try to adhere to that.

Interesting tidbit - the SII doesn't have VG's or any limitations on low speed handling, due to the contra-rotating props.

Without love, where would you be now?


 Post subject: Re: Aerostars
PostPosted: 04 Jan 2025, 19:19 


Joined: 11/25/19
Posts: 217
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Aircraft: Aerostar 601P, AS350
Username Protected wrote:

Trey, that’s really interesting. Have you tried a reduced power setting at all in the 700? I’d be curious what a few inches less gives you speed vs fuel burn.

I’ll definitely try some low power settings after a while, I just put new engines on and want to keep it 75% power or so for the first 50hrs.

I also put new scimitar MT props on and it’s at the avionics shop for full garmin panel. Deleted the table in the back and removed the middle seats. I think the plane is going to be around 150lbs lighter now. Very interested to see how it does when it’s finished at avionics.

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 Post subject: Re: Aerostars
PostPosted: 04 Jan 2025, 20:19 

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Location: Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA
Aircraft: Aerostar Superstar 2
Username Protected wrote:

I’ll definitely try some low power settings after a while, I just put new engines on and want to keep it 75% power or so for the first 50hrs.

I also put new scimitar MT props on and it’s at the avionics shop for full garmin panel. Deleted the table in the back and removed the middle seats. I think the plane is going to be around 150lbs lighter now. Very interested to see how it does when it’s finished at avionics.

Nice Trey!

How much/bad was the MT prop conversion?

I want to remove the table as well, just not sure I can "patch" it up where it used to go without a full cabin redo.

Have you thought about adding the winglets?

My boy loves the swing seat, so that's staying.. ;)


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 Post subject: Re: Aerostars
PostPosted: 04 Jan 2025, 22:46 


Joined: 11/25/19
Posts: 217
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Aircraft: Aerostar 601P, AS350
The whole kit with spinners is 50k with nickel leading edges and Deice boots!


 Post subject: Re: Aerostars
PostPosted: 05 Jan 2025, 00:42 

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 WWW  Profile

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Aircraft: Aerostar Superstar 2
Username Protected wrote:
The whole kit with spinners is 50k with nickel leading edges and Deice boots!

Aside, right?

Without love, where would you be now?


 Post subject: Re: Aerostars
PostPosted: 05 Jan 2025, 00:57 


Joined: 11/25/19
Posts: 217
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Aircraft: Aerostar 601P, AS350
That’s two props and spinners the whole kit!


 Post subject: Re: Aerostars
PostPosted: 05 Jan 2025, 01:33 

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Aircraft: Breeezy, 172,601P
At 17500 (flying under basic med so I don't go over 18K)
601P short props, intercoolers.

2250 RPM 27" 215knots true heavy 220 true light. ROP 32gph
2200 RPM 24" 195 true 24 Gph LOP


 Post subject: Re: Aerostars
PostPosted: 05 Jan 2025, 19:48 


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Hey dudes, a question for the Aerostar collective; so we’re doing a pre buy look at a 600A tomorrow and I wanna have a look in the nose gear well for hat section cracks and whatnot, but, there are gear doors in the way. Is there an easy way to open those doors for a look? How about the main gear doors? Our mechanic may already know how, but I’m curious about it myself…



 Post subject: Re: Aerostars
PostPosted: 05 Jan 2025, 21:03 


Joined: 11/25/19
Posts: 217
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Aircraft: Aerostar 601P, AS350
Username Protected wrote:
Hey dudes, a question for the Aerostar collective; so we’re doing a pre buy look at a 600A tomorrow and I wanna have a look in the nose gear well for hat section cracks and whatnot, but, there are gear doors in the way. Is there an easy way to open those doors for a look? How about the main gear doors? Our mechanic may already know how, but I’m curious about it myself…


The nose gear is a big deal, could be a 20,000$ mistake if you guys miss a crack in the wrong place.


 Post subject: Re: Aerostars
PostPosted: 05 Jan 2025, 22:47 


Joined: 09/18/21
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Username Protected wrote:

The nose gear is a big deal, could be a 20,000$ mistake if you guys miss a crack in the wrong place.

I'm new to Aerostars and learning. Haven't heard this one before. Is there a service bulletin or writeup somewhere on this issue?


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