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 Post subject: FS: Eclectic Airplane Garage Sale
PostPosted: 22 Sep 2024, 09:36 


Joined: 05/05/09
Posts: 5046
Post Likes: +4918
Aircraft: G44, C501, C55, R66
Too much stuff to get into too many details but contact me for more details please:

2002 SR22, 2700 TT, 350 hour SOH engine and 2023 parachute, fresh comprehensive annual, has Avidyne 440s, Aspen, and DFC autopilot. $255K

2014 75 hour since brand new American Champion Champ (with O-200/starter) $92K

Fake Piper L-4 Grasshopper (actually just a military painted J-3). Flies great and very cool looking. 210 SMOH. $37.5K. Have a nice set of EDO floats too for a small amount extra.

1946 Grumman Widgeon (second to last one made I think) GO-480s 400/900 SMOH, no AD props, 6000 hours TT. $350K

Colemill B55 Baron, 3500 TT, 600 since factory new 550s, autopilot is useless otherwise it's Waas/adsb/xm/engine monitor, 200kts all day long. Paint and interior are a 6. $160K

Citation 560 (Citation V) 10K hours, 10 since overhaul, 3100 SOH, Adviz full glass cockpit with dual 750s. $1.6 million

Citation 650 (Citation III) 10,344 hrs, 1000 since overhaul (CZI)/2100 CZI (zero since MPI). $850K

1930 Great Gatsby V-16 Cadillac. $150K

1931 Great Gatsby V-12 Cadillac. $65K


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