so BT and its success has created a whole lot of information. Being able to search for stuff effectively is important. I don't think any online forum will ever get to a state where questions aren't frequently repeated (particularly by newbies), but perhaps we could help the cause by a little tutorial on how to search properly.
Of course, all should go to Jeff's primer here first:
viewtopic.php?f=17&t=43128But I wanted to start this thread to go into further detail on tools that can be used for keyword searches, as I have some questions and want to get a little technical dialogue going.
The easy stuff:THE PLUS SIGN
+ use it to make a word a mandatory find
e.g. if you want to find something about the D18 twin beech, best put in:
+twin +beech. Putting in just
twin beech is not going to be fruitful, or rather, it will be too fruitful by yielding too many results.
- use it to ensure a word is excluded
e.g. if you want to search about turbos but don't want bonanza info them perhaps try this:
turbo TC -bonanza -A36 -B36 -A36TC -B36TCA little more advancedQUOTES
""In the above example (
+twin +beech), the first search isn't ideal because you'll get a lot posts that somewhere have
twin and elsewhere have
beech. A better strategy is to type it in quotes:
"twin beech"WILDCARDS
*handy for capturing plurals. typing in
bahama* will get you results where both
bahama and
bahamas were written. Also there are obvious other areas where it is useful.
now for some questions.
parentheses ()
do these work, kind of like in ebay searches? e.g.
+(x, y) +(z, "t s") -(u, v) where the letters represent words. Would it work, in the way that it would have to find x or y and z or "t s" and not u and not v
word length minimum, common word exclusions? it appears that doing a
-A36 is effective, however searching a
-for is not effective
it appears there is no case sensitivity. Is there a way to impose case sensitivity?
what am i forgetting? any other helpful hints/tricks?
thanks, and let's all practice better searching